Our Lady of Sorrows Parish is a Roman Catholic community of Faith, centered in the Eucharist and the Word of God. Our mission, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is to proclaim and live Christ`s message of love and service, within our parish and in the larger, world community.
ALPHA Experience...For the last two years I’ve hoped we could get to a certain point in the
Beacons of Light process where I could introduce our Family of Parishes to Alpha. Alpha is one way, and a very effective way to lead people into a personal encounter with Jesus. Alpha can reinvigorate the faith of Catholics and lead those with no faith to a very strong and lively faith. Please click the link below and listen to Father John Riccardo speak about what Alpha has done for his parish. This is what I hope and believe it will do for us. Once you’ve watched the video, come back to this message.
Did you like what you heard? Even more, did you feel a certain pulling at your heart?
I hope so. This is the Spirit urging you to come and see what Alpha is about. Block out your
calendars on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 9:00 starting on January 28 and finishing April 8.
A Pot Luck Dinner is part of the Alpha experience. If you felt more than a "pulling" as you
watched the video and you’re already onboard, come and help us with organizing Alpha for our parishes. Those who feel called to help with organization, we need to meet on Tuesday
evenings at 7:00 PM, on January 14 & 21 in the Meeting Room at Our Lady of Sorrows. These sessions will involve logistics and training and the first meeting will discuss the best location for holding Alpha. We need you to make Alpha happen!
- Fr. Paul Gebhardt
Along with Our Lady of Sorrows, Holy Family and Holy Name of Jesus make up
Our Lady of Peace Family of Parishes
The Vision:
We strive to know Jesus Christ and hold his Holy Spirit in us so that our lives may truly be His and we may be inspired to tell His good news in our deeds and words. Our parish supports us in this effort by training us and those who do not yet know Christ in the faith and for mission. This will bring each of us to know and love and serve the Lord in this life so that we may be happy with Him in the next.
Visit Holy Family in Middletown here.
Visit Holy Name of Jesus in Trenton here.
CLICK on Links below for Mass Readings
January 1 - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
January 5 - The Epiphany of the Lord
January 12 - The Baptism of the Lord
January 19 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 26 - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Sorrows Bulletins - LINK
Homilies - LINK
Masses Can Be Viewed LIVE from Our Lady of Sorrows
Alternatively, you can also view Masses at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral at this link: LINK
You can also watch Mass from the National Shrine in Washington DC HERE
Tune in to Catholic Programming anytime with EWTN on TV or Online at this: LINK.
Access online giving securely from your phone, tablet, or computer. You can choose a one-time donation or recurring donations, using either a credit card or bank account. It’s quick, easy, and secure!
With this option, there is no need to fill out a form or contact the office if you want to start an electronic contribution or change a current one. The QR code will take you directly to the donation page. You can also click on "DONATE" below.
You can also mail in your contribution envelopes and other donations that you would normally be putting in the collection basket. Make all checks payable to Our Lady of Sorrows and mail to:
Our Lady of Sorrows
330 Lebanon Street
Monroe, OH 45050
Finally, you can also have checks sent automatically from your bank to the parish on a regular basis. Contact your bank for details.
Mass Times
Sunday: 10:00 am
Monday: 8:30 am
Thursday: 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am
Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:30 pm
First & Third Wednesdays: 6:30 - 7:00 pm or by appointment
- Rev. Paul Gebhardt, Pastor
- Rev. John Civille, Parochial Vicar
- Rev. Benjamin Mersch, Parochial Vicar
- Jack Schaefer, Deacon
- Ava Bertsch, Business Manager
- Bob Drusky, Office and Technology Manager
- Gene Haas, Coordinator of Religious Education
- Michelle Markert, Director of Music Ministry
- Patrice Prebles, Bulletin Editor
- Karen Redmond, Pastoral Associate
- Joe Scarpa, Maintenance Worker
Parish Council
Members at Large
Mark Achorn
Kathleen Beene
Matt Paulus
Joe Setaro
Scott Wilford
Ministry Representatives
Cecilia Bosticco
Michelle Currin
Chuck Stelzle
Paul Kavalauskas - K of C
Parish Registration
Download an Our Lady of Sorrows Registration Form HERE.
Print it out and return it to the Parish Offices.
Daily Bible Verse
Weekly reading
Readings for the week of January 12, 2025
- Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11 / Ps 104:1b-2, 3-4, 24-25, 27-28, 29-30 (1) / Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7 /
- Lk 3: 15-16, 21-22
- Monday: Heb 1:1-6 / Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9 / Mk 1:14-20
- Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12 / Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 / Mk 1:21-28
- Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18 / Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 / Mk 1:29-39
- Thursday: Heb 3:7-14 / Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11 / Mk 1:40-45
- Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11 / Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8 / Mk 2:1-12
- Saturday: Heb 4:12-16 / Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 / Mk 2:13-17
More Information
The Seven Sorrows (seven dolors) of Mary
The Prophecy of Simeon – Luke 2:22-35
The Holy Family’s Flight into Egypt – Matthew 2:7-23
The Loss of Jesus in Jerusalem – Luke 2:41-50
The Meeting along the Way to Calvary – Luke 23:26-32
The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus – John 19:25-42
The Taking of the Body of Jesus from the Cross – Mark 15:42-46
The Burial of Jesus in the Tomb – Matthew 27:59-61